Understanding the Seaman's Book: Everything You Need to Know

Hello maritime community!

I’ve been hearing a lot about the Seaman’s Book and its importance for seafarers. Can anyone shed light on its significance, the process of obtaining one, and any personal experiences or tips related to it? I’m sure many newcomers to the maritime world would benefit from this information.

Thanks in advance!


Hey there! The Seaman’s Book, also known as the Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC), is an official document that logs a seafarer’s career experience. Think of it as a passport for your maritime career. It’s essential for boarding vessels and proves your legitimacy as a seafarer.

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I got my Seaman’s Book last year. The process varies by country, but generally, you’ll need to provide proof of maritime training, medical fitness, and sometimes even sea service. It’s best to check with your local maritime authority.


One tip I’d give is to always keep your Seaman’s Book updated. Every time you join or leave a vessel, ensure the details are recorded. It’s crucial for job applications and promotions.


A Seaman’s Book, also known as a Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB), is a crucial document for seafarers, as it serves as their primary identification and employment record in the maritime industry. It contains details about a seafarer’s training, experience, and certifications, which are essential for securing maritime employment. To obtain one, individuals typically need to apply through their country’s maritime authorities or agencies, and the process may involve providing necessary documentation, attending interviews, and paying fees. Personal experiences and tips can vary widely, but maintaining an up-to-date Seaman’s Book is vital for a successful maritime career and international travel within the industry.


Another thing to note is the validity. Most Seaman’s Books are valid for around five years, but this can vary. Always renew it before it expires to avoid any hiccups in your maritime career.

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Remember, the Seaman’s Book isn’t just for record-keeping. In some countries, it can also serve as an identity document, especially when you’re in foreign ports.

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Interestingly, the Seaman’s Book also gives a glimpse into the history of maritime labor :mantelpiece_clock:. Some older seafarers have books filled with stamps and notes from decades ago, showcasing their journey across the seas.

Here are the official maritime authorities or relevant departments for the countries with the most seafarers where you can find more information about the Seaman’s Book:

  1. Philippines: Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
  2. Indonesia: Directorate General of Sea Transportation
  3. China: Maritime Safety Administration (MSA)
  4. India: Directorate General of Shipping
  5. Russia: Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport
  6. Ukraine: Maritime Administration of Ukraine
  7. Myanmar (Burma): Department of Marine Administration
  8. Croatia: Croatian Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
  9. Bangladesh: Department of Shipping
  10. Poland: Maritime Office

You can visit these websites to get more specific information about the Seaman’s Book and related procedures for each country. Always ensure you’re accessing official or government-affiliated websites to get accurate and up-to-date information.