Finding Trusted Ship Suppliers

How can I find trusted ship suppliers in each port? What are some good directories for finding suppliers & their contact information?

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To find a reliable and trusted supplier in the ports where your ships are arriving, you can:

  • Research the ports where your ships will be arriving and identify potential suppliers.
  • Ask for referrals from other ship owners or trade associations in the area.
  • Check online directories for suppliers. (Some are ISSA Register, ShipServ, MagicPort, etc.)
  • Request quotes from potential suppliers and compare them based on their reputation, quality of products or services, and price.
  • Verify the credentials of potential suppliers before finalizing them.
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You can get this info from the agent in port (if you have truested agent though). Otherwise as a directory I would recommend Shipserv or MagicPort

Recommendations and referrals are by far the most critical in terms of finding trustworthy suppliers. Insider information is critical, people ask each other all the time. If you know a captain or a ship manager whose ship has been to that port before, you can ask them.

If you are looking to buy spare parts, or other equipment or machinery, it is a good idea to contact the original manufacturer of the product. Usually a manufacturer will work with one authorized dealer at the port which means they are reliable and have been vetted by the manufacturer.

Also, almost all decent suppliers/service providers will have an ISO 9000 Certification. This means that they have minimum quality management system in place.