Position: Cap, CE , CO, 2E ,2O, 3E , 3O, 4E , EO , Oiler, WF
OS, Wiper, DC, TME "
Vessel type: 4200 GRT Tanker vessel
Description: “Top 4 National & Panama COC salary depend on experience & previous
Joining in Dubai”
Contact: 7056198754
E-mail: marinemerchant007@gmail.com
Can Turkish people apply?
I’m Fresher Deck Cadet can I apply for this ??
Dear Shoaib,
Sometimes companies give a chance to fresh employees. I suggest you to apply, it is kind of competition and you will be evaluated based on competition level.
MagicPort Team
bro, you do not loss any money while you apply job, so I recommend that never think that " can I play?". The worst scenario, they will reject and you will lose job opportunity and while you do not apply, also you lose this opportunity, so result is same